Real Estate Trends in Media PA

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Media, PA, United States
Direct: 610-420-0498 Office 610-627-4937 BHHS Fox and Roach Realtors Email: Visit my website:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sellers realize that times are hard for many buyers. In the Holiday Spirit this seller reduces already under market price...

Buyers do not miss this opportunity! It is not only about the price.  It is about the condition, location, decor, neighborhood, this one has it all.

Sellers recognize that everyone is having challenging times and if they wish to sell their home they will make it more appealing to today's buyer. Great example is this beautiful home in Drexel Hill.  Prepared for sale well, clean, well maintained, the price is below the market and now a $5000 reduction...  call for further details and information.

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